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Keyu Jin on Why China’s Economy Needs to Change
The economist (Keyu Jin) explains how China's current model has run its course and why the country needs speedier political development.
“The New China Playbook: Beyond Socialism and Capitalism” by Keyu Jin
Despite a reputation for abstruse thought, the French intellectual Michel Foucault once explained his research in a straightforward manner: “I set out from a problem expressed in the terms current today and I try to work out its genealogy. Genealogy means that I begin my analysis from a question posed in the present.” Keyu Jin took that approach to heart in The New China Playbook, a work that explains China’s present by tracing its economic genealogy since 1978.
Keyu Jin - About economics
Keyu Jin answers the question, why does economics matter?
Age of Economics: in the first part of this project a diverse group of global thinkers answers 8 fundamental questions about economics and capitalist civilization.