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“The New China Playbook: Beyond Socialism and Capitalism” by Keyu Jin
Despite a reputation for abstruse thought, the French intellectual Michel Foucault once explained his research in a straightforward manner: “I set out from a problem expressed in the terms current today and I try to work out its genealogy. Genealogy means that I begin my analysis from a question posed in the present.” Keyu Jin took that approach to heart in The New China Playbook, a work that explains China’s present by tracing its economic genealogy since 1978.

China’s Economy Is Leaving Behind Its Educated Young People
(Adapted essay from ‘The New China Playbook’).
Early this year, two striking statistics emerged from China: The country’s annual economic growth had slowed to just 3%, a low only seen twice in nearly 40 years, and its population had fallen for the first time since 1961. The two figures illuminate serious long-term challenges for Beijing, but a less-noticed statistic spotlights a more dramatic and immediate problem: China is failing to adequately employ its youngest, best-educated generation of workers.

Five takeaways from China’s first-quarter GDP data
Keyu Jin, a professor at the London School of Economics and author of The New China Playbook, said Xi’s new team of economic planners was trying to avoid a “western-style” system of capitalism dominating politics.

China’s economy rebounds more than expected after Covid reopening
…Keyu Jin, a professor at the London School of Economics and author of The New China Playbook, said the biggest obstacle was the gap in private sector demand, both in consumption and investment.
“It will take time for confidence to come back to the Chinese economy,” she said.

China’s reopening sees Gen Z ready to splurge after lying flat: ‘They don’t see life as a matter of ruthless survival’
Four months after China’s chaotic opening from Covid-zero, conspicuous consumption in China has returned.

Can the U.S. See the Truth About China?
Just like relationships between people, relationships between countries can all too easily be built on a foundation of unintentional misunderstandings, faulty assumptions and predigested truths. In her forthcoming, at times provocative and disquieting book, “The New China Playbook,” Keyu Jin, a professor at the London School of Economics and a board member at Credit Suisse, is trying to rework the foundation of what she sees as the West’s deeply flawed understanding of China’s economy, its economic ambitions and its attitude toward global competition.

Keyu Jin for Age of Economics - Full interview
Age of Economics: in the first part of this project a diverse group of global thinkers [including Keyu Jin] answers 8 fundamental questions about economics and capitalist civilization.
The trade war with America is a strategic gift for China
Beijing’s worst nightmare would be a visionary US president with convening power. From The Financial Times.
CNN - GPS with Fareed Zakaria - The rise of Chinese "techno-nationalism"
LSE professor Keyu Jin and former German Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger on where China's ambitions of setting global technology standards could lead.
China presses on America’s pain points in the trade war
Beijing is focusing its response and wants to avoid escalation. From The Financial Times.
A US trade war could propel China to hasten reforms at home
Even with steeper tariffs, Beijing may still gain the upper hand. From The Financial Times.

How China Is Fighting the Chip War with America
The battle for technological superiority between the United States and China is the ultimate competition between two radically different systems. From The New York Times.
China’s property market is in freefall. What does this mean for the world economy?
The sector is dangerously overheated – but unlike the 2008 financial crisis, the global ripple effect is likely to be limited. From The Guardian (UK).
America Is Fueling Chinese Techno-Nationalism
The US campaign to limit Chinese firms' access to critical technologies has backfired. China has responded by pursuing its goal of bolstering its technological capabilities with an intensity unseen since Mao Zedong committed to developing nuclear weapons six decades ago.

Keyu Jin - About economics
Keyu Jin answers the question, why does economics matter?
Age of Economics: in the first part of this project a diverse group of global thinkers answers 8 fundamental questions about economics and capitalist civilization.

Keyu Jin - Capitalism & Humanity: Free Markets & State Interventions
Is Capitalism, or whatever we should call the current system, the best one to serve the needs of humanity, or can we imagine another one? Keyu Jin, author of The New China Playbook, discusses this question.
China Bets on Common Prosperity
In 2021, China embarked in a new direction with sweeping regulatory and enforcement measures to combat monopolization, protect data security, and ensure greater social equality. Though significant risks lie ahead, the country's economy nonetheless is coming of age.

Emmanuel Macron's French election win: Jin Keyu’ CGTN interview
For more on Emmanuel Macron's French election win, CGTN's Wang Guan spoke to Jin Keyu. She is a professor of economics at the London School of Economics.
Project Syndicate: Keyu Jin Says More
Project Syndicate catches up with Keyu Jin, an economics professor at the London School of Economics and a World Economic Forum young global leader.

From the unbridled growth of cryptocurrencies to the potential decline of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, the international financial system is undergoing a deep transformation. How should business leaders and policy-makers prepare for the remaking of global finance?